The average house price on WOODLANDS PARK is £528,324
The most expensive house in the street is 7 WOODLANDS PARK with an estimated value of £698,623
The cheapest house in the street is 2 WOODLANDS PARK with an estimated value of £358,103
The house which was most recently sold was 2 WOODLANDS PARK, this sold on 13 Apr 2017 for £275,000
The postcode for WOODLANDS PARK is SY2 6JN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WOODLANDS PARK Detached , 134 m2 £358,103 £275,000 13 Apr 2017
3 WOODLANDS PARK Detached £468,710 £249,995 28 Apr 2005
4 WOODLANDS PARK Detached , 208 m2 £468,998 £315,000 4 Feb 2015
6 WOODLANDS PARK Detached , 202 m2 £647,189 £485,000 12 Oct 2016
7 WOODLANDS PARK Detached , 186 m2 £698,623 £410,000 14 Dec 2012